The runTime Memory Checker ("memChecker") is a developer's tool which monitors memory usage in MacroMedia Director® 6 and 7. It allows you to locate and solve memory problems during authoring and during runtime!
Pricing and availability
RunTime Memory Checker is priced at US$ 30. You receive a personal registration code when you make the payment using the enclosed "Register" application or trough our secure payments service at Memory Checker is available from our website, as well as several online archives. Occiasionally, you may find our software included and distributed on third-party CD-ROMS.
Minimum Requirements
"memChecker" is suitable for Macromedia Director® 6 and 7 on Mac and Windows systems.
Installing for use in Director®
To install "memChecker", simply copy the "memChecker.dxr" file into the "Xtras" folder of your Director application. It then becomes available in the "Xtras" menu.
Use in a Projector
To use "memChecker" in your projector at run-time, place it in the same folder as your Projector. Following Lingo command will make memChecker available to your application:
registerMemChecker "XY0000000-000"
open window "memChecker"
WhiteMedia's runTime Memory Checker can be called as a MIAW (Movie In A Window) and will immediately display your movie's memory consumption. Click on the triangle widget to view even more details:
- Main Memory Consumption: the horizontal bar indicates how much memory is available to your application. On MacOS, you can allocate memory via the Info dialog in the Finder.
- Frame Memory Consumption indicates how much memory the current frame needs.
- Movie File Efficiency: this indicates the unused bytes in the current movie. If this bar indicates less than 100% efficiency, you should 'Save and Compact' your movie again.
A click on the "Purge" button unloads all unused castmember from memory.
Shareware Notice
"memChecker" is distributed as shareware, it is NOT free. If you use it for more than a week or two, please pay the $30 registration fee. See the How to Register file for further instructions. In any case, if you wish to use "memChecker" at runtime (in a projector), you'll need your registration code!
Registrations are handled by Kagi, a payment processing service. Once Kagi processes your payment, which takes up to a week, they e-mail you a registration code in a message with subject Thanks for your payment. This code lets you access the full features of "memChecker" at runtime! If you do not receive your code within a week, contact Kagi at <>.
NOTE: If you lost your code, contact "memChecker" support at for a new one.
FAQ, Known problems, Support
For further documentation, visit our online services:
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